About Us

This is Share The Backline!
The podcast that no one asked for where you can catch up with your local rockstars,legends, movers and shakers from the days of yore and find out what they’ve been up to since the last time you bought a ticket from them for a show at Chain Reaction that you never went to because it was at 5pm on a random Tuesday and you had class early the next day!

Follow us on this journey to historically document the local scene and give it the respect it deserves!
Maybe we didn’t make millions of dollars and fly in PJs, but an impact was made and lives were changed so let’s celebrate all those people, stories and songs that made us forget we were in a recession and fighting terror in some foreign land Or whatever was going on back then…

Follow us!




The mastermind behind the pod.
If there’s anything he hates more than pooping in a Porto potty it’s lemon treats, peanut butter cookies, ants, too many chocolate chips, and driving.
Tech genius and undercover strongman. Devoted husband and father of 3 kids and one O’Bryan.
A talented song writer and guitar player.
Can air-play any song/instrument but has more or less hung up his (physical) guitar to focus more time on raising 3 beautiful kids and stressing about ways to make the podcast better.


Thinks he’s the cohost of a hockey podcast.
Single cat-dad harboring a delusion that he is somehow “just like George Clooney”.
Loves to pretend he lives in the 90s by watching VHS tapes, listening to cassettes,
and never answering his phone.
Sober for 11+ years, now the only time he gets high is when he goes home to the mountains after work.
“…He don’t eat no meat”.
Played drums in various rock/metal/punk/hXc bands for the better part of 30 years but skill level suggests more like 6 months.
Go kings Go






Producer, animal lover, and HATES EVERYTHING.
